How do I split my app into different screens

The most simple way is to use the light-weight router from the @deskpro/apps-sdk-react package. The router is an object with a method named to that allows you to change the current screen when called with a screen name:

  const { route } = this.props;'my-screen')

You can also pass parameters to your screen:

  const { route } = this.props;'my-screen', { myParam: 5 })

You will need to import the router components:

    import { Routes, Route } from '@deskpro/apps-sdk-react';

In your render method, wrap your screens in Route containers:

class App extends React.PureComponent {
  static propTypes = { 
     * Instance of the Deskpro App Sdk Client
    dpapp: PropTypes.object,

     * Instance of sdk router.
    route:   PropTypes.object,

   * Show the authentication screen immediately after the component is mounted
  componentDidMount() {
    const { route } = this.props;'auth');

   * @returns {*}
  render() {
    return (
        <Route location="auth" component={PageAuth} />
        <Route location="home" component={PageHome} />
        <Route defaultRoute>

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